Saturday 15 October 2011

Day 3 - Its Piddling Down

Woke up to rain this morning. So cold and windy out there. Well I am in Tassie I suppose. Had a cuppa and then a shower then sat and chatted to Sandy for a while and showed her some tricks with outlook express. Shes only just learning but shes picking it up so well. Better than any of my Broadband for Seniors people. Shes very cluey with it.
I had to get the girls birthday pressies (didnt want to buy them anything til I saw them, its been 3 years almost since I saw them last). So Off we went up to the Prospect Vale Market Place. Got their pressies then went and sat down at the coffee place and had a hot white chocolate (yummmooo). Natasha turns up. Was strange seeing her. We were close friends 20 odd years ago but shes changed so much. Chucked a bit of wieght on too. Suppose thats what happens when you pop out a couple of kids. We finished out cuppas then looked over and heres Margie sitting there with some friends. So went over and got a big hug and chatted for 5. Will ring her and go round to see her in the next few days.
Came home and had lunch. ANd now Im sitting here at the kitchen table typing this. Sandy and Rob have gone to a big church opening thing. They are very involved in the church. Sandy said something this morning about going to see the girls for their birthdays in the morning then off to church. Had to say to her "Im not going to church". She said she already knew that. Lol.
So now it looks like its gonna rain again. Cant hear it in this house. Tiled roof. I think I might drive around Nats and spend a bit of time with them. Hopeing to go to Maz's tonight. Just waiting to hear from her.
Check back when I can.

Tassie word of the day  - Rummon.

Ok its actually now Sunday night. I didnt get time to finish yesterday, yesterday, so here it is now.

So what did I do? Hmm.. Left here and decided I needed to get petrol. So drove up to Woolies petrol at Prospect and filled up. Weird how you can use your everyday rewards card at the servo there but not in Woolies. Possessed. Then went off to Nats, realising just after I had left the servo that I had forgotten to buy smokes. Daft biatch I am. Spent a bit of time at Nats. Mon wanted to make a birthday cake for the twins but had forgotten that they needed more butter. So I drove Nat down to IGA down at the Old Tudor and got my smokes then. hehehe. Spent a few more hours at Nats. Watching Mon cook her cake up. Smelled yummy. Had a Kaluha too. Forgot how nice that homemade Kaluha is. Think Im gonna have to make a batch again when I get home. Its all your fault Nat. Lol.
I had heard from Maz by now so went back to Sandy and Robs about 5 and got ready to go. Maz wasnt feeling too good due to her anti-glutten tummy so we decided not to get tanked. Left here about 530. Rob was outside giving my wheelchair a good clean. Aint he cool!!! so I left when he had finished that, so I could take it with me.
Drove over to Newnham and found Maz's place (shes moved since I was here last). OMG Joey has grown so much. And she is such the spitter of her mother. Got the attitude too. hehehe. Nath got back after a while with his dad and holy shit hes so tall. Not that little boy I saw last time. Big hickey on the neck. PMSL!! Well the kidlets left with their dad and we sat and yakked for ages. Decided to get pizza for tea. I wasnt gonna go near Maz's grooten free one so got a small hawaiian for myself. I normally only eat 3 pieces at most. I dont know what was wrong with me but I ended up eating the whole frikkin thing. Just kept thinking..oh one more piece.
Had a great night. We laughed and talked. Just like old times. Ive really missed Maz.
Got home about 1130pm.
And that was day 3.

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